Throughout his time as an independent media creator David has been involved in or run countless social media campaigns, sometimes for clients and sometimes for his own projects. He knows how to adapt ideas and content from other realms in to social media, and can think strategically about how the social media pieces come together to achieve a larger communications whole. He is skilled in copywriting, photography, information design, graphic design, photography and storytelling.
As Director of Communications and Marketing for the Kitsap Community Food Co-op, David has been the social media manager, designer and strategist for all of the co-op’s social media channels. On the surface, a food co-op is a grocery store, but in reality they are much more than that - they are an organization rooted in strong values of community and social / environmental responsibility. David’s social media strategy with the co-op is always to tell both of those stories simultaneously - so while the food is typically front and center, their values are present in every post too.
EXAMPLE POSTS with links • What’s in Your Cart - a feature where co-op members share their favorite items from the store. Personalizing the brand and engaging the community - while still marketing the co-op’s products. • Bernie at the Co-op - jumping on a meme, David crowdsourced this photoshopped image of Bernie in front of the co-op and it became one of their most highest engagement post ever. How to be a Low Waste Shopper - Having seen that low-waste shopping posts get high engagement, David leaned in to that by created this guide to reinforce the habit for people who already do it, and bring more people in. He has cultivated relationships with community members who post about the topic by engaging with and sharing their posts, creating connection to the brand while getting free content for their feed. COVID Messaging - Managing communications through the COVID-19 crisis was an unexpected challenge. David used social media to provide transparency in their decisions, and to assure the community that they’d remain open as a resource for the community. He also amplified voices from within the community, with creative reposts and a new feature Humans of the Co-op.
Below is a social media marketing campaign David created to supplement a video interview with former Seattle mayor Mike McGinn. He pulled quotes that he knew would get traction on social media - easy to understand, and topics that people are likely to share. he paired them with an image and posted them over the course of a few days with a link to the video each time. People would retweet to share the quote, and whether they watched the full video or not they were sharing the content along with it.
The primary goal of this campaign was to drive people to the video interview, but it also recognized that many people don’t click through and will only ever experience see the social media campaign - and that’s ok! The campaign should serve as both marketing for your brand, and as content in its own right.
When David set out to make the two videos below, he approached them from a social-first approach, starting with the topics, choosing two that he knew Seattlites like to talk about - snow days and construction. He pulled clips and facts that he knew would be attention grabbing and would motivate people to share. He pulled them all together into a fun and snappily paced videos that were both shared widely. The video construction video was shared over 800 times - The Snow Day video almost 1,500 times.
“Construction Boom
• 811 Shares • 236 Comments • 453,596 people reached”
“Snow Day
• 1,400 Shares • 211 Comments • 334,426 people reached”
Watch the videos on facebook - Snow Day - Construction.
David has produced a number of pieces for the Seattle Channel specifically created for social media. Below are a few examples of content designed for social media. Some of these had longer versions that went on TV, and some were social-only.
David is active on twitter promoting his work, projects and clients, and just generally staying in touch with what’s happening in the world (at least the part of the world that’s active on twitter!) | @dalbright
(here’s the link to the dog window thread)